Why we must learn how to be a beginner again

Launching a creative project or endeavour or running and managing your own creative career will have you feeling like a beginner… A LOT.

But so often we forget to bring a beginners mind to how we approach the stuff that is new or unknown to us. And we quickly become defeatist or agitated because we don’t already know the correct way or answer. We want to know the direct route from A to B and we want it now! Before we know it, we’re in a stand off - a can’t do won’t do attitude. Frozen.

A beginner’s mind is quite the opposite. It’s curious, enthusiastic and non-judgemental. It loves to experiment and explore. It gets stuck in, tries things out, asks silly questions, makes (lots of) mistakes and has a hell of a lot of fun in the process. Adopting a beginners mind will get you from A to B in a non linear way. It will activate your creativity and get you moving and expanding.

Next time you feel like a frustrated or frozen beginner, bring your beginners mind into the mix and see how it shifts you into playful action.