Time is a funny thing, isn't it? Although our clocks and calendars move with a steady, measurable consistency, our own sense of time can massively vary depending on our experience of and engagement in the events that are unfolding before us.
Of course, you don't need me to tell you this. You know all about this.
Creative flow. Timeless. Pure. True.
We long for this state of bliss.
We long to stop procrastinating and skimming our way through our days.
To be so completely and utterly engaged in an activity that truly means something to us. To dive into the depths of our creative ocean so that we might re-emerge with buried treasure.
We long to immerse ourself so fully in life that there is simply nowhere else to be than right here. That is where we want to be!
Flow feels magical and other-worldly. But how do we cross the threshold when everything in the real world is pulling us away? Why can't we do what we really long to do? Why do we think more than we do? Why can't we get started? Or get settled? Let alone get in flow!
The phone is buzzing. Emails are pinging. The doorbell rings. The kettle is boiling. The fridge has food in it and the internet is everywhere. Do we really stand a chance?
It's not our fault that the internet is everywhere. And so enticing.
We didn't design the world but can we design our own little corner of it? Can we pave a smoother pathway for our creativity to flow through?
Can we throw our phone out of the window (/ lock it in a drawer)? Can we set up our tech to harness concentration as opposed to hindering it? Do we need to tell someone that when the door is shut it means - please kindly don't disturb me? If we're honest with ourselves, we know that sometimes we don't need to hug onto the tech all day like it's a safety blanket. A brisk walk around the block or a quiet corner in a cafe with a pen and paper could bring much us more comfort and creativity.
But then our mind is so busy. Busy turning over yesterday or mapping out tomorrow. Worrying. Controlling. Doubting. Stewing.
And in our body resistance bubbles up. Such a visceral and unpleasant sensation. Half the time we don't even notice it. We come to... realising we are eating another biscuit, scrolling on our phones, opening more tabs, or literally standing in a different geographical location from our desired creative pursuit. Resistance makes us run.
But why are we resisting and getting anxious over something we care about and want to do? Because we care, the stakes are higher - the pressure is on. Because we simply don't know what will come out or how it will turn out. The creative process is an unknown world. This is the world you are crossing into when you commit to your creative practice - the unknown. We know this in theory but do we really realise how much this is affecting us in practice?
Flow might feel like magic but it isn't something that magically appears for a chosen few. Each and everyone of us is capable of creating it and experiencing it. We really can work on mastering our mind - thank god! We can practice soothing our senses and releasing tension in our body. We can even have fun exploring and developing beautiful, playful, imaginative rituals and tools to help us pass through the thresholds and cultivate concentration, calm and creativity.
It's a practice. A practice well worth persevering with. One that requires awareness, honesty, patience, curiosity and compassion.
Currently, I like to kickstart the process by light some incense and putting this song on. Actually, the whole album. What about you? What helps you to get in your flow? I'd love to know. Send me an email or just get on with doing more of it and tell me about it later