Your creative calling

To the creative of the world, this one’s for you.

This is your call to action. We need you. We actually, really, seriously need you now more than ever before.

I think we’re all pretty clear on the fact that YOU need YOU. I know you know this. This is what keeps you up at night. This is what drives the existential crisis to creep in. That knowing you have inside of you that there’s more, more of you to explore, more of you to give, to share, to express, to create, there’s just more of you. There are more adventures to go on, people to meet, love to be shared, fun to be had. You’re like an untapped source of magic. You don’t need me to tell you that you need you - although it certainly helps to have a reminder. But deep down you know this. You know what your heart is crying out for, what your soul craves. 

But here’s the thing I really worry that you don’t know. I worry that you don’t believe WE need you just as much as YOU need you. I worry that you that you think that who you are, who you really are, isn’t welcome here. It breaks my heart that you doubt whether you will ever feel fully fulfilled or embraced. It’s devastating when your confidence is knocked and you start to question yourself, question whether there’s a way for you to bring yourself to life, to your full potential. I get it. I know why you feel like this. Because the world isn’t set up for you. The world is actually so scared of you because you’ve dared to be the change, to do something different. It takes enormous courage to be who you really are.

People often ask me, “do you like your clients? What are they like?”. They’re digging for the goss. And let me share with you the honest truth. They are bloody amazing. I am brought to my knees by their pure goodness, grace and kindness. I am humbled by their dreams -dreams of a better future for themselves, for their loved ones, for their community, for the next generation. And they are so committed to this dream. Committed to getting out of their own way so that all that hope and love can flow out of them and into the world around them and then right back at them again. 

Because they know there’s no end to their creativity. I feel pumped when I’m with them, so excited I just want to roll them out for all the world to benefit. It doesn’t make a difference if their life is reaching and impacting thousands of people or deeply affecting a handful, one person even. Because there is no hierarchy when it comes to creativity. 

To the creative souls…I love you. I value you. I need you. I love the way you see the world. It’s so refreshing and full of hope. You know there’s a way through and that the way through is your love, your ideas, your gifts, your creations, your perspectives. Your creativity is a positive force in amongst what can sometimes feel like an absolute shitshow out there. You are the answer.

I want you, no I need you, to believe that what you do matters. I don’t even care what you do I just care that it matters to you. Because if it matters to you, if it means something to you, then it’s urgently important that you do it.

In a world that lately feels full of fear, uncertainty and division, we need you. We need you to rise up. We need you to do the work. We need you to get out of your own way and give us all of what you’ve got. Are you in?