Being your own cheerleader is something I get my clients into the practice of from day one.
Do you cringe at the notion of self congratulating? Are you afraid you’ll get a big head? Worried people will think you’re arrogant and egotistical?
So many of us would rather self-depreciate than self-congratulate.
If you tend to dismiss praise and compliments from others, it’s highly likely that you aren’t prone to dishing out the cheers to yourself either.
When we work for ourselves, it’s essential we develop the self-leadership skills to take the time to re-affirm our worth and value.
We know our brains are wired to not only spot but also cling onto the negative - so we need a practice that combats this downward spiral. Of course it’s always rewarding when others affirm our value and give us positive feedback, no one is denying that. But first and foremost, if we are to be truly successful, we must learn to be our own source of love, worthiness and value.
This isn’t about blowing your own trumpet so loud that you drown out areas for improvement & growth, or lack self awareness and enquiry. It’s quite the opposite. Self leadership is about approaching how you review your work in a way that motivates and encourages you. And it starts with being able to spot where things are going well - big wins yes, but more importantly your everyday small wins.
When we start the practice of giving ourselves a regular pat on the back, it can actually feel really awkward for a lot of us. One way to tackle this is to get playful with the entry point.
To give an example, one of my clients has created a “Nailed It!” list in the notes section of her phone. It makes her smile each time she adds her wins to the list. It helps her to keep the list fun, upbeat & positive. And most importantly, it removes the cringe factor because you can’t simultaneously pat yourself on the back if your whole body is recoiling & resisting the praise.
So, what’s going on your “Nailed it!” list today?