Why you need to make fun your number one strategy when it comes to creating your best work

Do you ever feel like your creativity is getting cooped up when it comes to the running of your creative ideas, career, business... life even? Serious question - Are you having enough fun? The answer is probably, "No". None of us are! We're deprived of fun. Especially when it comes to the running of our creative ideas, careers and businesses. 

Many of you will be familiar with Julia Cameron's The Artist's Way. The two basic tools of the Artist's Way are Morning Pages and Artists Dates. The latter being a solo date you take yourself on every week which sparks childlike delight, playfulness and joy within you.

Of the two tools, Cameron says that participants find Artist Dates the hardest. Many don't or won't make time for them because they deem them a frivolous and unproductive use of time. Many simply don't know what on earth to do on their date.

So cooped up and adulted, we have forgotten how to have fun and let our creativity come out to play. 

Something that was as innate to us as breathing, we have lost (or devalued) our connection with. Cameron puts our resistance to Dates down to a fear of intimacy - a fear of intimacy with our true creative self. That really made me stop and think.

The thing is, we all know that when we have fun, we are more receptive and open to ideas, to solutions, to learning and to life itself. We feel more experimental, daring and courageous when the life jacket is pumped up with laughter and joy. We can literally take bigger and more buoyant strides forward from this place. Seriously, what could be more productive than that?  

"Reduce your workload by 30% and increase your fun load by 30% and you will increase your revenues by 100%. And you will increase your productivity by 10,000%. (If there could be such a percentage.) More fun, less struggle — more results on all fronts." -Abraham Hicks

Here's a nice Easy Summer Mix playlist I made for us. I love all the increased action and activity the Summer brings but find I need to balance it out by remembering to calm it (& myself) down every now and then. So this playlist brings the tempo down a notch, whilst still feeling summer fresh and sun soaked (sounds like a product description for a perfume 😂 ). Enjoy!

Don't forget to get strategic about having FUN!